Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Coke Habit

We're grocery shopping, and I've not been letting Hubs purchase soft drinks for a while now.

Hubs: Coooooke. . .
Me: There's a McDonald's next door. I will allow you to get one on the way home.
Hubs: Yes, but then I'll only have one tonight instead of being able to drink them all week.
Me: I know. That's the point.
Hubs: Do you want me to get fat and die early or not?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Working on my Fit(Bit)ness

We've just returned from a harried weekend away.

Me: Where's my FitBit?
Hubs: I dunno.
Me: You found it yesterday and put it with your stuff.
Hubs: Yeah, but I haven't seen it since then. [Gets up and rummages through some stuff.] Oh. Here it is. I put it in the bag with the candy because I figured you'd find it there.

Friday, September 18, 2015

I'm Not Above It

I walk around the neighborhood with our girls in the morning, typically before I eat breakfast.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Hardly Healthy

We're at Long John Silver's and Hubs is scooping up forkfuls of the grease-soaked crispies from the bottom of the plate -- of which he'd ordered extra because he loves them.

Me: Please stop. I can hear your arteries hardening.
Hubs: That's not all that's getting hard.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Right on Target

Apparently Target is selling Fuctronics

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bragging Rights

My mom is recounting the time she was stung by a scorpion. Mind you, it was smaller than a honeybee and she was totally fine.

My mom: Well, I did get stung by a scorpion.
Me: Oh my god. That story again. It doesn't even count.
My mom: But I could've died.
My dad: Well at least you wouldn't still be bitching about it.