Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Say It Again for the People in the Back

Apparently when you translate this it just gets louder.

Friday, November 20, 2015

How YOU Doin'?

Hubs has just said something about a particular weakness of mine. I immediately start coming up with excuses.
Me: [trailing off] . . .I'm just trying to make myself feel better.
Hubs: How's that going for you?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Knockin' on Heaven's Door

Hubs always talk about how our parents (aged 63-65) are going to die soon and he mentions it to my parents. A couple hours later we start talking about TV shows.

My mom: We've gotten hooked on British shows. We watch a lot of PBS. [Pause] Wow. Maybe we are close to death.
Hubs: Yup. You're on the verge.

Friday, November 13, 2015

I'm Just Gonna Leave This Here. . .

Holy inappropriate joke, Batman. I texted someone (who shall remain unnamed) about the fallout from my daughter's encounter with some chocolate.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Where There's a Will, There's. . . Money

We see a car in an oncoming lane that has streamers and balloons attached to the back. 

Me: What do you think: wedding or graduation?
Hubs: It's black and white, so I'm thinking funeral.
Me: Like, "Woohoo! Glad she's dead!"?
Hubs: Yeah. Like, "I'm rich, biotch!"

Monday, November 9, 2015

You've Got the Look

Hubs has just said something particularly insulting and I shoot him my most withering glare.

Hubs: I only said that because I knew you'd get that look on your face. I don't get it to see it that often anymore.
Me: Well. . . because usually I just laugh and high-five you.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ask an Expert

Hubs: You don't have to be mad just because you're wrong. It won't kill you.
Me: Well, you would know.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

Journalistic Instincts

I notice an elderly patient staring intently at my neck while we're talking. He finally says something.

Him: I'm sorry I'm staring, but your necklace is beautiful. Is there any significance?
[We discuss it briefly.]
Him: Well, I'm a retired journalist so I'm curious about things, and I've learned to just ask.
Me: There's no harm in that. I mean, if I'm wearing it in public it's probably not a reminder of some horrible something.
Him: That's true. But you never know when someone might say, "Oh, yeah, I got it from a whorehouse."