Monday, October 30, 2017

Full Mental Jacket

Hubs: I reserve the right to bitch.
Me: I reserve the right to tell you to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Hubs: Well then, it's WAR NOW.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Burnin' Burnin' Love

I've just said something atrocious about our daughter.

Hubs: You're going to hell. But at least I know we'll be together for eternity. Wait... maybe that is our hell.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Put the Needle on the...

Our 6yo daughter had some issues with her earrings a couple months ago. Namely that I wasn't paying attention and allowed her lobe to grow over the earring back and I had to get my boss to surgically remove it.

My mom: When can she get her ears pierced again?
Me: Around her birthday. Im taking her to a tattoo place this time to do it right.
Hubs: You're taking my six-year-old to a tattoo parlor?
Me: No. She'll be seven.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Lock up Your Daughters

I love people who have a realistic view of their own children.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Sexual Currency

Hubs and I met on eHarmony (as our 4yo would say, "Don't judge me") in 2006. I had no idea that he had saved the entirety of our electronic communication -- until he printed it all out and gave it to me for our tenth wedding anniversary last week. I know this blog sometimes makes him sound like a horrible person but by golly, the man is amazing. Once I stopped crying, I texted my mom.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

By the Balls

We had a little power blip in the neighborhood the other day.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Sex and Violins

More awesome texting with my mom.

Friday, October 13, 2017


We're in the car when a Wilson Phillips song comes on. I immediately crank it up and start singing along.

Hubs: I can feel my penis shrinking. It's like a scared turtle right now.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


I'm handing my paycheck to Target when the cashier notices that my mascara is about to be thrown in a bag of bulky winter boots and a cart full of other stuff I didn't intend to buy. My kids have been all over the place, the trip has already taken three times longer than anticipated, and my 6yo is starting to cry because her sister picked out the wrong kind of candy corn.

Cashier: Do you want to put the mascara in your purse?
Me: Oh. Um. I guess... Sure. [pause] And thank you for thinking I have standards.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Keen on Keeneland

Horse racing is more than a tradition in Kentucky; it's a religion. It's also very popular among college kids, who seem to be able to ruin anything. My friend Sam had a lot of complaints about her recent visit to the track.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Two Snaps Up

Hubs and I are watching one of those stupid monster-hunting shows. There are people claiming that they encountered a creature like Big Foot but with wings. 

Hubs: I'm willing to believe that there could be some type of Big Foot something living in the woods, but not one with wings. I mean, they're saying it's a sasquatch and a dragon? Seriously? Someone would've seen that before.
Me: Agreed. No way.
Hubs: What would you even call that?
Me: Dragonsquatch.
Hubs: That makes sense.
Me: Yeah, but one day you'd encounter one and of course it would be, like, the drag queen version and you'd say, "Hey, are you a dragonsquatch?" and she'd say, "No, bitch. I'm a sassdragon."

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Stupid is as Stupid Does, Part Tres

Me: It's just stupid.
6yo: Mommy. You just said a word we're not allowed to say.
Me: What, stupid?
6yo: Yes.
Me: Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.
6yo [stunned]: She said it again.
Hubs: That's because Mommy's stupid.

Monday, October 2, 2017

We All Float Down Here

Hubs recently went out of town, but we're able to monitor our security system from anywhere.