Monday, January 27, 2020

Gastronomy, Part Deux

Our AC unit died last summer. Hubs sent me an update from the repair guy.

For more of our accidental foodie adventures, click here.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Monday, January 20, 2020

It Takes a Village

A friend's kid recently had a run-in with a teacher at his school. At first she said he didn't turn in an assignment. Then she said he turned it in but his name wasn't on it. Then she said something about him improperly stapling pages together. At any rate, she was being worthless and vindictive and we all came to the poor boy's defense. My purple gal offered to attend a parent-teacher conference as muscle.

A few days later, another friend had issues with an asshole at work, so purple gal was back to offer a helping hand. 

Friday, January 17, 2020

He'll Make It Work

Hubs could eat Mexican food for every meal. For his birthday my mom made a huge Mexican spread. After his second plate of food, Hubs was debating whether he could go for one more taco.

Hubs: It doesn't matter if there's room. It's going in.
Me: That's how we got two kids.

It seems I married my father.